In John 15:16 Jesus said to His disciples, You did not choose Me, but I chose you…”

God brought this verse to my attention this week with the question, “Sara, why did John follow Me?” Immediately, it was as though I could hear John’s heart,

“Love. I followed Him because I felt His love. When He said my name, I knew in my heart that I belonged. Nothing else mattered—nothing other than being with Him. I relished every moment in His presence. Before I even knew what love was, He loved me. Far before I even knew Him, He pursued meLook at how He chose me to come, know, and be-loved by Him.”

As you read the gospels, let God take you deeper than what’s on the surface. Men whose lives were forever changed wrote those words. These books were not were not written only to lengthen Scripture, but to reveal who God really was- to you. Your Father kept His promise, He sent the Savior. And in doing so, He loved people and He loved them well.

Like John, you have the same opportunity to experience His love. Jesus is just as beautiful of a friend and Savior as He was to John, the beloved. If you have not done so already, dear friend, give your heart to Jesus. It will change your life.

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Read more on how God wants to take your bible study to another level.

God’s Word to me: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—“ Ephesians 2:4,5

My prayer of response: Father, I confess there were many years I did not know You. I preached Your name and confessed Your love though I had no idea what love really was. I see now that all the while I was dead in my sin of not knowing You, You had already chosen me to live in Your love! And now I have life and proclaim it with all my heart: I didn’t choose Him, but He chose me.


Our prayer for you: Jesus, we pray our friend’s life is forever changed by your love. Not because they read the Bible, but because while they read it, they meet You. May they claim your promise, “But God, being rich in who He is, because of His great love toward me, even while I was dead in my sin, made me alive simply being with Him.” Amen!!


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